Modules étendus > Creo Elements/Direct Mold Base > Recalculer > recalculate
The Recalculate function will start automatically after activation of the following dialog boxes: add plate, remove plate, modify plate and edit mold size. Components which have been affected by activation of one of the previously mentioned dialog boxes (that is, if their start faces have been changed) will be adjusted to the new start faces and component lengths will also be modified.
A preview of the adjusted components is displayed, RED colored preview if the new component exists in the standard (catalog data) and BLUE color if no standard component is found.
You will then have the ability to change component parameters if needed through the following set of functions:
Component: Name of the current component.
Modify Comp.: Gives you access to the component parameter dialog.
Skip: Don't adjust the current component.
Fix: Modify component and component holes according to the preview (i.e. according to the automatic modification suggested by the software or changes made through the component dialog).
Next: Show preview of the next component.
Previous: Show preview of the previous component.