Animate a relation
Simple animation capabilities are available in the Assembly and Parametric relations menus.
The Animate command lets you animate the assembled components within a relation set that contains at least one value relation (Distance, Angle, Gear, Rack, Screw, or Variable). You do this by defining a range of values for a value relation and allowing the Relations module to vary it automatically. If you are working with moving parts within an assembly, you can tell Creo Elements/Direct Modeling to highlight parts that interfere (referred to as dynamic clashing) and to stop the animation at the point of clashing (see figure below).
This feature applies to assembly relation sets only.
The range of values is specified as a number (N) of step distance or angle increments. The relation set is then solved N times. The value specified in the animated value relation is taken as the start value and a step increment is added for each time the relation set is solved. The variable range of values is defined within a separate Relation Settings and Properties dialog box. Click File > Settings > Relation Settings to open the Relation Settings and Properties dialog box.
Other value relations within the same relation set can be made to move at the same time, by defining mathematical expressions for their values rather than specific numerical values. If you use the name of the animated value relation as a variable within the other value relation definitions, its value is substituted for each animation step, thus varying the overall value for each relation.
To animate a relation,
When you have specified the animation settings:
1. Click Relations and then, in the Relations Mode, click the Assembly or Parametrics.
2. Click Relations and then, in the Solving group, click Animate. The Animate dialog box opens.
3. Specify the Value Relation you want to animate, either using the Relations browser or by clicking on one of the relation labels.
To visualize if parts clash during the animation cycle, click the Dynamic Clash button on. As soon as clashing occurs, the faces involved are colored red. The dynamic clashing options are:
Stop at Clash: Switch on and click OK. Animation stops at the first point of clashing (point 2 in Figure). Click Cancel to restore the parts to their initial positions.
When the parts are clashed at the start position, the animation will not stop.
Parts: Allows you to specify the parts or assemblies to be considered in a dynamic clash analysis.
Dynamic clashing
To save the animation as an AVI file,
1. Open the Save AVI section of the Animate dialog box.
2. Click the Filename check box and type a path and filename.
3. If required, select values for Screen Size; Frames/Sec, or Codec, using the drop-down menus. Adjust the compression percentage using the drag bar.
4. Click the relation to display the animation and save the AVI file.
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