See description
Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager, Creo Elements/Direct Drawing Manager
This tag must enclose the entire <BomDrawingFilters> section. This section may be placed anywhere in the file within <WMConfig>, but not within any of the subsections (such as <Options> or <ClassDefs>).
In Creo Elements/Direct Drafting, a list of BOM table and flag names is generated from the xml file. The database is queried for a list of drawing files that match this list. The <BomDrawingFilters> defined in the xml file has a filter or sequence of filters that are used to determine what to send to Creo Elements/Direct Drafting.
In Creo Elements/Direct Annotation, the class defined by <DefaultAnnotationBomFlagRegister> contains the BOM table and flag names. Creo Elements/Direct Modeling stores drawing files in its filesystem by locale (in the personality directory). The class determines which drawing files to register depending on the database type:
For Oracle, it matches the schema or database language to the correct directory in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling.
For SQL Server, it matches the locale of the first <LocaleFilter> in <BomDrawingFilters> to the correct directory in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling.
The drawing files in that directory are registered with Creo Elements/Direct Annotation, and when Creo Elements/Direct Annotation needs one of these files it pulls it from the local filesystem.
The default configuration (in wmconf.xml) is to apply drawing files in the current locale, then English, then everything else. Possible customizations might be:
Specify a different locale.
Create a new sequence of filters using existing filters.
Write your own filter. This needs to implement the ILocaleFilter interface.
You should always use the <Index> tag to define the order in which BOM drawing filters are applied. Not defining an index can cause unexpected results.
You can clear any existing filters by inserting a <clear/> tag at the beginning of your definition.
This example shows a customized configuration for the section:
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