How to.. > Generate and save Creo Parametric Simulation Extension files
Generate and save Creo Parametric Simulation Extension files
You can generate Creo Parametric Simulation Extension files in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling and save them to Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager. The Creo Parametric Simulation Extension files are stored in the database as zipped files and are linked to the associated models.
You can overwrite the Creo Parametric Simulation Extension files in Model Manager and also create versions that are independent of the version of the associated model.
These files can be easily searched in the database and are also shown in the DB Properties dialog box as attachments.
To generate Creo Parametric Simulation Extension files,
1. In Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, click Application Interfaces and then, in the Creo Parametric Simulation Extension group, click Create. The Create Analysis dialog box opens.
2. Click Part/Assy and select an object in the Structure Browser.
3. Click Directory. The Browse For Folder dialog box opens.
4. Specify an output directory.
5. Click OK. The Creo Parametric Simulation Extension files for the selected object are now created in the output directory.
To save Creo Parametric Simulation Extension files,
1. In Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, click Model Manager and then, in the Content group, click the arrow next to Add.
2. Click Creo Parametric Simulation Extension. Alternatively, click File > Model Manager > Add > Creo Parametric Simulation Extension or right-click the object in the Structure Browser and, in the shortcut menu, click Model Manager > Save Attachment > Creo Parametric Simulation Extension. The Save Creo Parametric Simulation Extension dialog box opens.
3. Click Object and select the object in the Structure Browser.
4. Click Directory. The Browse For Folder dialog box opens.
5. Browse to the output directory where you have stored the Creo Parametric Simulation Extension files associated with the selected object.
6. Click OK.
7. Click . The Save dialog box opens.
8. Click Save. The Creo Parametric Simulation Extension files are now saved to the Manager Server.
To load a Creo Parametric Simulation Extension file from the Manager Server database in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, you must add the following class definition to the <Direct Manager Server installation location>\config\custom.xml file:
<Class extends="BASE_CREO_ATTACHMENT">
<DisplayName catalog="model" msg_num="4510">Creo Simulate</DisplayName>
<ClassDescription catalog="model" msg_num="4505">Standard Creo Simulate data of 3D Models</ClassDescription>
To export Creo Parametric Simulation Extension files,
1. In Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, click File > Model Manager > Extract Creo Parametric Simulation Extension. The Extract Creo Parametric Simulation Extension dialog box opens.
2. Click Object and select the object in the Structure Browser. Alternatively, right-click the object in Structure Browser and, in the shortcut menu, click Model Manager > Extract Creo Parametric Simulation Extension.
3. Click to complete the operation.
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