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Codebeamer QA: Test Management
The test management facilities in Codebeamer enable controlled testing of software, hardware, and any kind of product or system.
What makes Codebeamer different from other test management software that is available in the market, is its holistic approach to collaborative testing. In Codebeamer, tests do not exist in an isolated silo, but are tightly integrated with the requirements, the Wiki documentation, the bug and task trackers, the source code, and the full lifecycle of the tested product.
Codebeamer's access control and web interface make it ideal for collaborative testing. Dividing the work among test engineers (who define the test cases to be executed; specify the configurations and releases to be used; and coordinate the work) and testers (who execute the test cases).
How Does Test Management Work?
The following list describes the best practices for test management:
1. Define the requirements of the product precisely.
For example, battery life must be at least 5 hours.
2. Set up a test plan with test cases to verify whether those requirements are met. A test case consists of pre-actions, test steps, and post-actions.
For example,
Pre-Actions—Charge the battery.
Test Steps:
1. Turn the device on.
2. Leave it turned on for 5 hours.
3. Check the battery indicator. Is there 10% left?
Post-Action—Turn the device off.
3. Group test cases into test sets. Grouping can happen according to multiple aspects: by type, by importance, and so on.
For example, Smoke Tests - this set contains the test cases that must pass even for the internal alpha releases.
4. Define test configurations.
For example, Android Honeycomb, Android Ice Cream Sandwich, and Android JellyBean.
5. Define releases. These are the versions of your product.
For example, 0.9.1-beta or 1.0.0-GA.
6. Initiate test runs by selecting a test set, one or more test configurations and one or more releases.
For example, execute Smoke Tests on HoneyComb with 1.0.0-GA.
7. Execute the test runs. If problems are found while executing the runs, you can quickly report them without leaving the context of the test run.
8. Analyze the results and the coverage to make sure that nothing is left untested, and that your quality criteria are met.
For example, make sure that the battery life tests pass on all Android configurations with our 1.0.0-GA
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