New functionality
New endpoints added to:
Create a baseline.
Get a project role of a project member.
Get permissions of all fields of a tracker.
Get field accessibility (read, write, visible) for a tracker item.
Maintenance mode management.
Models are extended:
Email property is included in UserReference model.
Suspected flags are included in TrackerItemReference models.
ArtifactReference is introduced for Document type tracker.
HideIf and MandatoryIf formulas are added to field definition.
Project id and user status filtering criteria is added to user search endpoint.
Item tags included in JSON
From 21.09-SP3, if present, tags of an item are included in the response when calling issues/defects via the API.
Input parameter changes in project content
POST /v3/projects/{projectId}/content endpoint parameters changed:
skipBranches parameter removed.
skipDocuments parameter removed.
skipWikiPages parameter default value changed to true.
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