Release Notes > Building Blocks 1.2.1 Release Notes
Building Blocks 1.2.1 Release Notes
The following known issues and limitations are part of the 1.2.1 release. End-of-support information is also provided.
Known Issues and Limitations
The following known issues and limitations are present in the building blocks 1.2.1 release:
Known Issue
Users should not directly modify the database.
Changes to the database schema must be performed through the supported services provided by the PTC.DBConnection.Database_TS Thing Shape and the PTC.DBConnection.Manager_TS Thing Shape. For more information, see Database Connection Building Block.
Changes to stored procedures and functions that are provided by PTC are not supported. Stored procedures and functions can be overridden on upgrade, so any changes would be lost.
End-of-Support Information
For information on content that has been deprecated in the building blocks 1.2.1 release, see Deprecated Entities, Services, and Other Content.
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