Creating a Template Document
A template file is a tagged document containing elements that are normally required in a document using that DTD. This file displays in Arbortext Editor when you create a new document. The template file provides a starting point for the author. For example, if the DTD was designed for a memo, the template would probably include tags for date, to, from, subject, and body.
Save the template document in the document type directory.
You can also add custom commands (such as keyboard shortcuts for tag insertion) or custom menus to an optional template.acl file specific to the new template. For example, if you are using the Windows version, c:\altdir\doctype\template.acl.
To create a template document:
1. Open Arbortext Architect.
2. Choose > .
3. Locate the directory in which the document type you want to create a template for is stored, and then click Select.
4. In Arbortext Architect choose > .
You must used a compiled or installed document type to create a new template.
5. Choose the template file from the selection list in the Text Open dialog box. Click OK. This opens the template document for your document type.
6. Create the template as you would like it to display when a new document for this document type is opened. You may want to:
◦ Insert tags and text, specify attributes for the tags, and set the starting position of the cursor.
◦ Add the necessary graphics files to the doctype directory or a graphics directory, where doctype is the name of the document type you are creating. If you use an alternate graphics directory, you can set the path using the APTGRPATH environment variable, set the Graphics path preference to include this path in the > > dialog box.
◦ Create a site-specific doctype.acl file in the doctype directory.
7. Once you have completed the template file, you must install it.
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