Copying an Installed DTD
You can create a new document type definition (DTD) by copying an existing DTD.
You should never alter the DTD of a document type distributed with Arbortext Editor. To customize a distributed document type, first make a copy of it and then make changes to the copied version.
To copy an installed DTD:
1. Open Arbortext Architect.
2. Choose File > Copy.
3. In the Select a Directory dialog box, choose the directory that incorporates the DTD you want to copy, and then click Select.
4. Type the path for the new DTD in the Arbortext Architect Response dialog box. The base name of this path will be used as the base name of the installation files.
5. Click OK. You are then asked if you want to assign an SGML Declaration to the new DTD.
Click OK. You are then asked if you want to assign an SGML Declaration ( see SGML declarations) to the new DTD.
6. Choose No if you do not want to assign an SGML Declaration, and proceed to the next step in this procedure.
Choose Yes to specify an SGML Declaration.
a. Select an SGML Declaration from the list in the SGML Declaration dialog box or type the path in the text box.
b. Click OK.
c. If you selected an SGML Declaration that is not in the same directory as the DTD you copied, choose Copy to copy the file to the same directory as the new DTD. Choose Use Existing to use the selected SGML Declaration without copying it.
If you select Use Existing and make changes to the SGML Declaration, these changes will be incorporated in all DTDs using this SGML Declaration.
7. Click OK in the Assign Public ID dialog box to open an expanded version of this dialog box.
8. Add the following information in the expanded Assign Public ID dialog box
Owner ID — Identify the owner of the document type. There are three kinds of owner IDs:
Owner ID type
Registered Owner ID
+//Organization or Registry
Unregistered Owner ID
ISO Owner ID (identifies an ISO publication)
ISO 8879:1986
Public Text Description — Provide a short description of the document type.
Public Text Language — Identify the native language of the document type using two uppercase characters. For example, type EN to specify English.
Click OK.
The name of the DTD will display in the Arbortext Architect title bar. You can now modify this DTD to create a new DTD.
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