Types de documents > Document Types > Document Types Overview
Document Types Overview
Document type refers to a collection of files that together create an application for creating and publishing documents. Document type files may include:
Schema or DTD that defines elements, attributes and structure
Stylesheet(s) that define formatting properties for one or more outputs
Sample and template instances
Configuration files such as document configuration (.dcf), profiling configuration (.pcf), alias configuration (.alias) for controlling authoring or publishing features
Programming files, for example ACL or Java, that further customize the authoring or publishing environment.
Tag help that appears when you place the mouse pointer over a tag in a document and press SHIFT+F1.
There are a number of schemas and DTDs (collectively referred to as “document types” in this online help) that have been developed by standards organizations to serve specific industries or satisfy specific needs. These schemas and DTDs have been developed into sample document types that are distributed with Arbortext products.
The distributed document types are samples. You can modify them for your own use or use them as examples for customizing your own document types. They are not intended for production use.
The sample document types include configuration files such as .dcf files, templates and sample instances, and stylesheets. You can make changes as needed if, for example, a stylesheet or other configuration setting does not suit your environment.
The stylesheets were created to style only the sample instances; they are not recommended or supported for a production environment. It is expected that you will customize the sample stylesheets before using them in a production environment.
You can create a new document with a distributed document type by selecting File > New.
The following document types are generally available:
Arbortext XML DocBook V4.0 — An XML version of the DocBook DTD extended to provide profiling and equation editing.
Arbortext Article (XML DocBook V4.0) — An XML version of the Simplified DocBook DTD extended to provide profiling and equation editing.
HTML — A format for publishing information on the Internet's World Wide Web.
XHTML — A format similar to HTML 4.0, but XML 1.0 compliant (XHTML 1.0).
Free-form XML — A format that lets you create valid XML documents that do not have schema or DTD declarations.
DITA document typesArbortext Editor provides several DITA document types.
Text — Standard unformatted text character set consisting of 256 letters and numbers.
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