compile_doctype [ -nowarn] [ -noprompt] [[ -catpath] [cat-path]] [' [-log] [log-path]] [[ -dcl] [dcl-path]] [[ -pubid] [public-id]] [[ -toptag] [top-tag]] [[doctypeDir] | dtdPath] [[ -xml] | -xml]
compile_doctype alias compiles the document type specified by the directory
doctypeDir or the DTD file path
dtdPath. If no parameters are specified, the
Compile Document Type dialog box displays.
The -nowarn option ignores all warnings encountered during the compilation. By default, all errors and warnings are displayed in a message window.
The -noprompt option prevents display of the dialog box prompting the user to confirm all compilation parameters
The -catpath 'cat-path' option allows the user to specify the catalog path to use for the compilation. The path entered must be enclosed in single quotes (for example, 'cat-path'). If you enter multiple directories in the path, separate each directory with a semicolon (;). By default, the value of option('catalogpath') is used.
You can display the current catalog path by typing eval option(catalogpath) on the Arbortext Editor command line.
The -log log-path option allows users to specify a file path to redirect all messages, errors, and warnings generated during document type compilation. By default, the Arbortext Editor will display messages in the message window.
The -dcl dcl-path option specifies the path to the SGML Declaration for SGML document types. If you do not specify a path, Arbortext Editor will use the appropriate default. You do not need to specify a -dcl dcl-path if you are compiling XML document types. In Arbortext Editor, XML documents are compiled using predefined SGML Declaration values for XML.
The -pubid 'public-id' option specifies the public ID to use to lookup using the catalog path the SGML Declaration to use in compiling the document type. This is used only if the -dcl option is not provided. You must enclose the ID in single quotes (') if the public-id option contains any white space.
The -toptag top-tag option specifies the top-level element for the document type DTD that is unwrapped, (no <!DOCTYPE wrapper). If this is not provided and the document type is one of the Arbortext Editor distributed document types (for example, DocBook), then the proper top-level tag is used.
The -sgml|-xml option specifies whether the document type is SGML or XML. If this option is not specified, the value of set compilesgml command determines the type.
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