Help > Authoring > Graphics > Inserting and Editing Intelligent Graphics > Intelligent Graphics Overview
Intelligent Graphics Overview
If graphics support is enabled for your document type, Arbortext Editor provides two ways for you to work with intelligent graphics. You can work with intelligent graphics either with Arbortext IsoView or with Creo View. Both of these applications are installed by default with Arbortext Editor.
You can do the following operations with intelligent graphics:
Insert intelligent graphics into your document.
CGM, EDZ, IDR, IDRZ, ISO, ISOZ, PVZ, and SVG intelligent graphics on the Windows platform are currently supported. The type of graphic supported is determined by the setting of either the isoviewfileformats or creoviewfileformats advanced preference. If both preferences are set, creoviewfileformats takes precedence.
Graphics from a filesystem location and those located in a content management repository (CMS) accessed via the PTC Server connection, such as Windchill, can be used.
Manipulate the display of an intelligent graphic in the Arbortext Editor window.
Open an intelligent graphic for edit in Arbortext IsoDraw, Creo View or Creo Illustrate, depending on the graphic type and its location.
Create special links both to and from intelligent graphics.
You can create a link to an intelligent graphic that initiates an action within the graphic, for example:
highlighting a specific part of the graphic
starting an animation in the graphic, or running a specific step in a sequence
Sequences are supported in PVZ graphics.
changing the display of the graphic to a specific view of the graphic
You can also create links that are associated with an object inside of an intelligent graphic that activate when a user clicks on the object.
Define a set of intelligent graphics.
You can group a set of intelligent graphics together in your document. When you define a link to the graphics set, you can choose which graphic is displayed when that link is activated in HTML output. Note that you must define graphics for use with either Arbortext IsoView or Creo View, not both.
Convert intelligent graphics to another format
If you are publishing content with Arbortext Publishing Engine, you can include a publishing rule to convert intelligent graphics to other formats, for example SVG.
When you insert an intelligent graphic into your document, the graphic appears in an embedded control that enables you to manipulate the display of the graphic. If the defaultReproWidth and defaultReproHeight attributes defined in the GraphicDefaults element in the document type configuration file (.dcf) are set, those settings determine the default size of the embedded control. Otherwise, the default size of the control is four inches by three inches. An exception to this is CGM graphics which use the default size stored in the graphic file. You can override the default settings for individual intelligent graphics through the reproWidth, reproHeight or scaleToFit attributes defined in the document type configuration file's Graphic element.
For CGM, 2D IDR, IDRZ, ISO, ISOZ, and PVZ graphics, you can also specify the initial view to display for an intelligent graphic through the view attribute defined in the document type configuration file's Graphic element. A view is a predefined look for an intelligent graphic that is stored within the graphic. Setting this attribute for an individual intelligent graphic determines the view of the graphic that is displayed when the graphic is opened in Arbortext Editor. The view attribute also determines the view of the graphic that is used when the graphic is published to Web or HTML.
Additional attributes for intelligent graphics are defined in the namespace. Do not modify these namespaced attributes, as they are only intended to be set and modified by Arbortext Editor.