Help > Authoring > Dialog Boxes > Applicability Dialog Boxes > Apply Inline Applicability Dialog Box
Apply Inline Applicability Dialog Box
In this dialog box, you can create expressions that define inline applicability settings to be assigned to the elements in a topic.
The Apply Inline Applicability dialog box launches when you select an element then choose Edit > Apply Inline Applicability in Arbortext Editor.
The menu option is only available if you have enabled the applicability UI. For more information, see Enable Applicability Interface.
You can also access this dialog box, with fewer options, if you choose to edit an element’s existing inline applicability setting. Use the Modify Attributes option to display the element’s inline applicability attribute then modify its value manually or click the Modify Inline ApplicabilityModify Inline Applicability button button to launch this dialog box.
The attribute that represents inline applicability settings is defined in the applicability syntax for the current environment. For more information, see Confirm Applicability Syntax
Search — provides the ability to search for an Option or Choice name in the Options and Choices structure. The results that match the current search string as well as any items that were previously selected are displayed.
Clear — clears the search box.
Add to Expression — contains options with which you can generate an inline applicability expression:
Options List
The list of options and choices configured for the product
Check the box next to the choices you want to select for the current element
You can choose to have the options highlighted with color shading, which is displayed in this dialog box and in Edit view. When an inline applicability setting is assigned to an element, the element’s content will display the color shading for easy identification.
For more information, see Enable Highlighting of Inline Applicability Items.
Specifies that content of the element does not apply for this choice
Show Root
Displays and selects the root applicability defined for the current topic
This is usually the applicability assigned to the topic object in the content repository.
Clears all checkmarks from the options list and deactivates the Not option.
Adds the expression to the Logical Expression list
Adds the expression to the Logical Expression list, surrounded by parentheses
Between Items
Specifies whether the selections made from a single option group should be separated with an And or an Or operator
Between Groups
Specifies whether the selections made from multiple option groups should be separated with an And or an Or operator.
Logical Expression — displays the inline applicability expression that is currently assigned to the element
Edit — toggles the ability to manually create or edit expressions in the Logical Expression list
When the option is toggled off, the expression in the Logical Expression is validated to check it is correct as a logical expression, and that it references valid options.
For more information, see Confirm Applicability Syntax.
Verify — checks that the expression in Logical Expression is correct as a logical expression, and that it references valid options.
Validation does not check if the inline applicability is valid against the topic’s root applicability.
Undo — reverts the expression in Logical Expression to the state before changes were made
This option is active when the expression is changed with the Add or (Add) options, or when toggling the Edit button if changes have been made.
OK — assign the inline applicability defined with the entry in the Logical Expression list to the applicability attribute of the current element
The dialog box closes when you select this option.
The attribute that represents inline applicability settings is defined in the applicability syntax for the current environment.
Close — closes the dialog box without making changes to the applicability attribute for the element
Changes are not made even if the expression has been changed.
Apply — assign the inline applicability defined with the entry in the Logical Expression list to the applicability attribute of the current element
The dialog box remains open when you select this option. You can continue creating or editing expressions for the current element or move to a different element.
Characters that are used in applicability expressions are not legal characters for Windchill Choice values. The following characters are not supported: +, -, /, &, |, !, (, ), and ".
For more information about assigning inline applicability, see Configuring Inline Applicability.