Tutorial > Working with DITA Maps > Adding Content to a Map > Referencing a Web Page
Referencing a Web Page
For this exercise, use the businessMeetings.ditamap document you modified in the previous exercise.
In the Resource Manager’s Topic tab, you can also add references to web pages to your DITA map.
Follow these steps to add a web page reference to the businessMeetings.ditamap document:
1. In the Topic tab, click on the Browse the Web button This graphic shows the Browse the Web button..
The Topic tab changes to the mode for inserting a reference to a web page:
This graphic shows the Topic tab in the The Web state.
2. Open the following web page in your web browser:
If you do not already have a web browser open, you can click the Open Browser button to open your default web browser.
3. On the Topic tab, click the Get Browser URL button.
The URL for the Wikipedia web page is inserted in the URL option.
4. Click the Insert button.
A reference to the web page is added to the map:
This graphic shows the new topic reference to the URL.
You can also type a URL into the URL control.
5. Click on the Previous Folder button This graphic shows the Previous Folder button. to change the Topic tab back to the file insertion mode.
6. Save businessMeetings.ditamap.