Tutorial > Working with DITA Maps > Adding Content to a Map
Adding Content to a Map
The primary type of reference you insert in a DITA map is a topic reference (topicref). The topicref tag identifies a DITA topic or other resource (such as a PDF file or web page) that you want to add to the map. The topic content or resource is not actually added to the map. Instead, a reference to the resource is added to the map similar to how a reference to an image is added to a DITA topic. You can nest topic references inside of other topic references enabling you to create a hierarchy in your outline.
The Resource Manager provides different tabs for DITA maps than it does for DITA topics. The following tabs are available for DITA maps:
Topic tab — Enables you to add topic references to existing DITA topics and other resources
New Topic tab — Enables you to create a new DITA topic and add a topic reference to that topic
Key Definition tab — Enables you to insert key definitions into a DITA map
The DITA standard provides for key based references. However, key definitions are beyond the scope of this tutorial. For more information about key references, refer to the Using Keys and Key References topic in the Arbortext Editor help.
As with DITA topics, an undocked version of the Resource Manager is available through the Modify Attributes dialog box to modify existing topic references. This version of the Resource Manager also enables you to add content references to DITA maps.
For more information, refer to the Resource Manager Overview topic in the Arbortext Editor help.