Help > Authoring > Fundamental Tasks > Understanding the Edit Window > Toolbars > Edit Toolbar
Edit Toolbar
The Edit toolbar contains buttons that invoke several editing operations. You can hide or display the toolbar by choosing View > Toolbars > Edit.
Right click in the toolbar area to launch a pop up menu where you can select or deselect a toolbar for display.
Table 3. Edit Toolbar Buttons
This is an image of the New button on the Edit toolbar.
Opens the New Document dialog box.
This is an image of the Open button on the Edit toolbar.
Opens the Open dialog box. Specifying a file on a server supporting WebDAV opens the file for editing. If you use a URL to specify a file that is not on a WebDAV server, the file will be opened as read-only.
This is an image of the Save button on the Edit toolbar.
Saves the document. If the file was opened from a WebDAV server, it will be saved to that server.
This is an image of the Print button on the Edit toolbar.
Opens the Print dialog box.
This is an image of the Preview button on the Edit toolbar.
Opens the Preview dialog box.
This is an image of the Find/Replace button on the Edit toolbar.
Opens the Find/Replace dialog box.
This is an image of the Spelling button on the Edit toolbar.
Opens the Spelling dialog box.
You can set the spelling preferences settings by choosing Tools > Preferences and then choosing the Spelling category.
This is an image of the Cut button on the Edit toolbar.
Deletes the selected region and stores it in a paste buffer (clipboard).
This is an image of the Copy button on the Edit toolbar.
Makes a copy of the selection and stores it in a paste buffer.
This is an image of the Paste button on the Edit toolbar.
Inserts the contents of the paste buffer at the cursor location.
This is an image of the Undo button on the Edit toolbar.
Reverses the last change (Undo), and provides a drop-down list that enables you to undo multiple changes at the same time. The list contains the editing changes you have made in a document, starting with the most recent change. You can use the mouse pointer or down arrow key to highlight changes from the top of the list. When you click or press enter, all of the highlighted changes are reversed. You cannot reverse changes in the middle of the list. You must reverse them in the order in which they were performed.
This is an image of the Redo button on the Edit toolbar.
Reverses the last undo operation, and provides a drop-down list that enables you to reverse multiple undo operations at the same time. The list contains the undo operations you have performed, starting with the most recent one. You can use the mouse pointer or down arrow key to highlight undo operations from the top of the list. When you click or press enter, all of the highlighted operations are reversed. You cannot reverse undo operations in the middle of the list. You must reverse them in the order in which they were performed.
This is an image of the Insert Table button on the Edit toolbar.
Insert Table
Opens the Insert Table dialog box.
When you are editing a DITA map, this button opens the Insert Relationship Table dialog box.
This is an image of the Insert Graphic button on the Edit toolbar.
Insert Graphic
Opens a dialog box that enables you to specify a graphic file to include in the document.
This is an image of the Insert Equation button on the Edit toolbar.
Insert Equation
Opens the Equation Editor. Use this tool to add a display equation at the cursor location.
A display equation is one that appears on its own line when inserted into a text line. The default formatting for a display equation is to surround it with a line or two of vertical space and to display it in a larger type style.
This is an image of the Resource Manager button on the Edit toolbar.
Resource Manager
Opens and closes the Resource Manager. This button is only available when you are editing a DITA topic or map.