自訂指南 > Custom Applications > Description of the Custom Directory Structure > custom.xml File
custom.xml File
At the top level of the custom directory is the custom.xml file. Following is the default version of this file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2009, v.4002-->
<!--The following name will be shown in the New dialog
as the category for all document types in this
custom directory that do not specify a category.-->
<Name>Custom Directory Name</Name>
This file is only used when you have a custom document type in the custom\doctypes subdirectory, and you have not designated a category name for the document type in the associated document type configuration (.dcf) file’s NewDialog element. In this case, the name in the custom.xml file’s Name element is used as the Category name for the document type(s) in the custom\doctypes subdirectory in the New Document dialog box.