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About This Guide
The Customizer's Guide provides detailed instructions on how to configure and customize Arbortext Editor features for use at your site. Examples of typical customizations are provided throughout the guide to illustrate steps you'll take to configure Arbortext Editor to address your specific needs. The Customizer's Guide is a companion to the Programmer's Reference, available in the Arbortext Editor Help Center.
The information covered in the Customizer's Guide is divided as follows:
About This Guide — An introduction to this guide and the information it covers.
Custom applications — An overview of implementing custom applications with PTC Arbortext products.
Customizing your site's profiling configuration — Instructions on configuring and customizing profiling to be specific for your site.
Customizing help — Details on how to update PTC Arbortext online help to be specific to your site.
Customizing PDF publishing — Information on configuring and customizing your site's PDF publishing capabilities.
Customizing Publishing Rules — Information on customizing publishing rules, rule sets, and rule files.
Working with XUI (XML User Interface) dialog boxes — Instructions on creating, displaying, and manipulating dialog boxes in real time by writing and modifying XML documents.
Working with ActiveX controls — Instructions on defining and implementing ActiveX controls at your site.
Merging data from other sources — An overview of the PTC Arbortext data merging capabilities and references to other sources of information.
Working with Arbortext Import/Export — An overview of using Arbortext Import/Export, configuration instructions, a description of the Arbortext Import/Export API, instructions on using Arbortext Import/Export in batch mode, migration information, and troubleshooting information.
Customizing copying and pasting from other applications — Details on how to customize the use of Arbortext Import/Export to paste content from other applications as tags conforming to a document type.
Customizing DITA support — Details on how to customize the Arbortext Editor user interface for editing DITA documents.
Prerequisite Knowledge
The Customizer's Guide assumes advanced skill using Java, JavaScript, JScript, VBScript, or COM (Component Object Model). If you're creating an Arbortext Publishing Engine application, you also need to be familiar with Java servlets, servlet containers, web servers, the HTTP protocol, and the SOAP protocol.
Arbortext Editor and Arbortext Publishing Engine supporting documentation and related Javadoc can be found in the Arbortext Editor Help Center. Arbortext Command Language (ACL) documentation is included in the Help Center, and is not the focus of the Customizer's Guide.
If you are looking for more general information on programming or scripting languages, you may want to consult the following resources:
Thinking in Java, by Bruce Eckel. Published by Prentice Hall PTR.
Oracle has extensive Java information available at its web site www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html. The tutorials are especially helpful to beginners.
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, by David Flanagan. Published by O'Reilly and Associates Inc.
Mozilla has extensive JavaScript information available at its web site www.mozilla.org.
ECMA International (European Computer Manufacturers Association) has the ECMAScript Language Specification, which is the standard used for JavaScript, available at its web site www.ecma.ch.
Microsoft has extensive information about JScript, VBScript, ActiveX scripting host, and COM available at its web site msdn.microsoft.com.