管理 > Environment Variables > APTSPELL — Specifying an Alternate Location for the aptspell.xml File
APTSPELL — Specifying an Alternate Location for the aptspell.xml File
Specifies an alternate location for the aptspell.xml file, the list of accepted words used by Arbortext Editor’s spell checker.
If APTSPELL is specified, it must contain the absolute path to the aptspell.xml file. It can be specified as:
UNC pathname
Standard Windows pathname that starts with a drive letter
Arbortext Editor searches directories for aptspell.xml in this order:
1. Location specified by APTSPELL, if set
2. Application data directory, if APTSPELL is not set
3. User’s home directory, if aptspell.xml does not exist in the application data directory
If Arbortext Editor locates aptspell.xml in the user's home directory, it will copy the file to the application data directory. It will then use the file in the application data directory.