A propos d'Arbortext Styler > Exporting Stylesheets > Exporting Stylesheets
Exporting Stylesheets
Arbortext Stylerfeuille de styles are saved with a .style extension, a format that Arbortext Editor and Arbortext Publishing Engine automatically recognize. Since .style files are proprietary, you can also export your feuille de style to a standard format.
Exporting stylesheets in PTC Advanced Print Publisher (PTC APP) format
To export a Arbortext Stylerfeuille de style as an PTC APP template (.3f file):
1. Choose File > Export > PTC APP in Arbortext Styler.
Your stylesheet must be set to use PTC APP at its effective print engine. For more information, see file:///E:/gitlab-runner-12.3/builds/6ic2syHS/0/helpcenter/arbortext/fr/source/notrans/styler/topics/help12045.dita.
2. In the Export PTC APP Template dialog box that appears, specify the path and file name to which you want to save the stylesheet in the File name field. If the stylesheet has never been saved, the file name consists of a path and file name based on the document directory, and the default stylesheet name, with a .3f extension. You can edit the path and file name, or use the Browse button to navigate to an existing template.
3. Click Save to export the stylesheet.
You may now use the .3f file in a standalone PTC Advanced Print Publisher installation if required.
The template can only be opened successfully in a compatible PTC Advanced Print Publisher release - you will see an error message if you try to open the document in an earlier release.
Exporting stylesheets in FOSI format
To export a Arbortext Stylerfeuille de style to FOSI format:
1. In Arbortext Styler, choose File > Export > FOSI.
Your stylesheet must be set to use FOSI at its effective print engine. For more information, see file:///E:/gitlab-runner-12.3/builds/6ic2syHS/0/helpcenter/arbortext/fr/source/notrans/styler/topics/help12045.dita.
2. In the Export FOSI Stylesheet dialog box that appears, specify the path and file name to which you want to save the stylesheet in the File name field. If your stylesheet has not been saved before, Arbortext Editor fills in this field with a path that would make the stylesheet the default stylesheet either for the document or for the current document type.
Click Use for to open the Use Exported FOSI For dialog box, in which you can choose the document instance in which your stylesheet should be used. Arbortext Editor provides a default name and location for each possible use to ensure it is picked up automatically as required.
3. Choose the publishing type(s) for which the stylesheet can be used. The choices in this field are Print/PDF and HTML File. The stylesheet title or its path and file name display in the stylesheet list in the dialog boxes associated with the publishing types selected. For example, if you select Print/PDF, the stylesheet is added to the Stylesheet list in the Preview, Print, and Publish PDF File dialog boxes.
4. In the Title field, specify the name of the stylesheet that displays in the Select Stylesheet dialog box and the dialog boxes associated with the Publishing types you select. If you do not specify a title, the path and file name of the stylesheet display in these dialog boxes.
Arbortext Editor truncates the path and file name if they exceed 57 characters.
5. Click Save to export the stylesheet.
Exporting stylesheets in XSL format
While a Arbortext Stylerfeuille de style can be used for many outputs, an XSL stylesheet can only be used for one. When you export an XSL stylesheet you must pick the type of XSL stylesheet to export, i.e. the correct one for the target output of the stylesheet.
You cannot edit exported XSL stylesheets in Arbortext Styler, so you should still save your feuille de style (.style file) for making further modifications.
To export a Arbortext Stylerfeuille de style as an XSL stylesheet
1. Choose File > Export in Arbortext Styler.
2. Select the type of XSL stylesheet you want to export from the Export submenu:
XSL-FO (for Print/PDF output)
Your stylesheet must be set to use XSL-FO at its effective print engine. For more information, see file:///E:/gitlab-runner-12.3/builds/6ic2syHS/0/helpcenter/arbortext/fr/source/notrans/styler/topics/help12045.dita.
3. In the associated Export dialog box that appears, specify the path and file name to which you want to save the stylesheet in the File name field. If the stylesheet has never been saved, the file name consists of a path and file name based on the document directory, and the default stylesheet name, with an .xsl extension. You can edit the path and file name, or use the Browse button to navigate to an existing stylesheet.
4. Specify a title for the exported stylesheet in the Title field. This title displays in the Select Stylesheet and publishing dialog boxes. If you do not specify a title, the path and file name of the stylesheet display in these dialog boxes.
Arbortext Editor truncates the path and file name if they exceed 57 characters.
5. Click Save.
If you will be generating an XSL-HTML stylesheet from the .style file, you can specify that the XSL-HTML stylesheet should produce XHTML output when publishing, rather than the standard HTML. In the HTML tab of the Stylesheet Properties dialog box, select the Generate XHTML option for the required output. You can then export the .style file to the required XSL format and use it to support publishing.
XSL stylesheets exported from Arbortext Styler do not conform strictly to the XSL specification. They are designed be supported in other PTC applications such as Arbortext Publishing Engine. PTC cannot guarantee that they will work in other XSL-FO applications and do not support this use case.