Langage des commandes Arbortext > set Command Options > set stylesheet
set stylesheet
set stylesheet=name
This command specifies the stylesheet to be used in place of the default stylesheet for the Editor view.
name is the path and file name of a Arbortext Styler or FOSI stylesheet. If you don't specify an extension for the stylesheet, Arbortext Editor first looks for a .style file, then a .fos file.
If you specify only the stylesheet's base name, Arbortext Editor first looks for the file in the document directory, and then looks in the document type directory. If you specify a relative path (other than one that just gives the base name), Arbortext Editor looks for the file using the given path relative to the current working directory.
set stylesheet=/mydocs/mem/memo2.fos
set stylesheet=
Related Topics
set printstylesheet command
Stylesheet overview
Opening, Referencing, and Saving Files