PTC ALD dans Arbortext Styler > Components of Documents and Templates > Style Components > Table Styling > Table Row Properties
Table Row Properties
Table rows are not referenced extensively in PTC Advanced Print Publisher and do not have many properties.
Rows can be kept together when formatting tables, for example keeping header rows with the body rows. PTC Advanced Print Publisher provides the keep properties fTableRow.keepWithNext and fTableRow.keepWithPrevious.
Row keeps can also be controlled on the fTable object by specifying row widow and orphan values. The settings ensure that a minimum number of rows are kept together if a table breaks.
When tables break under overflow mode 2, PTC Advanced Print Publisher can keep the top of the row together when a table breaks mid-row. Then, if a cell in a row is left empty by formatting rules, the whole row is carried over to the next page. Use the fTableRow.keepTop property.
Refer to Table Properties for information on table overflow modes.
Row gutter
The row gutter is the space above or below a table row. PTC Advanced Print Publisher provides the fTableRow.gutterAbove and fTableRow.gutterBelow properties. The values of these properties are added if they are both set.
Default properties for child objects
Table rows can set default properties for the cells the row contains:
fTableRow.defaultCell — default cell properties
fTableRow.defaultParagraph — default paragraph properties
fTableRow.defaultStyle — default styling
Header and footer rows
Table structures in XML often have header and footer containers for rows. PTC Advanced Print Publisher provides fFormatting.tableRowHeader() and fFormatting.tableRowFooter() to delimit the collection of rows that should be included in a header or footer.
PTC Advanced Print Publisher allows multiple levels of header. It also allows different rows to be output at the top of the table or when the table breaks.