PTC ALD dans Arbortext Styler > Components of Documents and Templates > Style Components > Style Components
Style Components
Two methods of applying style are available in PTC Advanced Print Publisher:
PTC Advanced Print Publisher’s JavaScript API, the Formatting Object Model (FOM), offers the concept of style objects that represent different levels or areas for which PTC Advanced Print Publisher can be configured to apply style.
Traditionally in PTC Advanced Print Publisher, styles arePTC Advanced Print Publisher tags that are processed under certain conditions. Styles are applied by tag matching.
This is a less common way of working following the introduction of JavaScript and FOM.
There are four main levels or groups of styling in PTC Advanced Print Publisher’s formatting hierarchy. Unlike Arbortext Styler, there is no concept of objects such as title or list item in PTC Advanced Print Publisher. These functional roles are built from core style building blocks and have other functionality applied to them to replicate the Arbortext Styler styles. Alongside the basic style types are other definitions that also act as building blocks to applying style and formatting.
The main style building blocks are:
Inline text properties
Represented by the fStyle object in the FOM
Apply basic text formatting properties such as text height, font, color, spacing, and decoration, and support more complex functionality such as ligature tables and kerning.
Refer to Text Styling for information.
Paragraph properties
Represented by the fParagraph object in the FOM
Configure how PTC Advanced Print Publisher works with paragraph level settings such as leading and margins.
Paragraphs and blocks are different but can have a number of similar properties.
Refer to Paragraph Level Styling for information.
Represented by the fBlock object in the FOM and related objects
Content holders similar to those provided by XSL-FO and CSS. They can control similar properties to paragraphs, such as margins and indents. Blocks can also specify column behavior, which makes them a very powerful layout tool. Text formatting properties are provided by default paragraph and style objects.
Refer to Block Level Styling for information.
Represented by the fTable object in the FOM and related objects
PTC Advanced Print Publisher’s table layout tools. PTC Advanced Print Publisher template designers are required to create their own tables functionality so it is possible to associate table formatting with any markup structure. Tables also include cell, row, and column formatting properties.
Refer to Table Styling for information.
These objects describe the basic building blocks of style application in PTC Advanced Print Publisher. Some associated objects, for examples rules and colors, can be used to apply style and can be reused across different structures in PTC Advanced Print Publisher.
Rules are graphical lines that have a thickness and a color. They can be specified as a separate reusable object and shared between blocks, tables, frames, and other components.
Refer to Rules for information.
Colors can also be defined as a reusable object and applied to a number of different style and layout object properties. In PTC Advanced Print Publisher colors can be defined using different color models to meet specific output requirements.
Refer to Colors for information.