Customizer's Guide (Guide de personnalisation) > Working with ActiveX Controls > Executing ActiveX Controls Using XUI
Executing ActiveX Controls Using XUI
You can implement ActiveX controls using the XUI <activex> control. (You can also implement ActiveX controls directly from the .dcf file. That implementation is detailed in Executing ActiveX Controls Using the .dcf File to Bind to an Element Directly.) The <activex> element is fully defined in the Working with XUI (XML-based User Interface) dialog boxes chapter of the Customizer's Guide, and can be described using XUI as in the following example:
<activex progid = "MSCAL.Calendar" id = "date">
The progid attribute specifies which ActiveX control is to be added to the dialog box. It can either be a Program ID for the control, as shown in the previous example, or the value of the control's CLSID property as a string surrounded by curly brackets as in the following example:
<activex progid="{2398E32F-5C6E-11D1-8C65-0060081841DE}" id="TextToSpeach">
The id parameter identifies the control.
Using the <param> child tag of the <activex> element allows you to provide parameters name-value pairs for the ActiveX control. For example:
<activex progid="MSCAL.Calendar" id="date">
<param name="ShowDateSelectors" value="false"/>
By setting the parameter ShowDateSelectors to false, the date selector dropdowns (one for the month and another for the year) are removed from the Calendar ActiveX control.
An ActiveX control can be launched embedded in the document displayed in Arbortext Editor, as a standalone control, or as a control within a XUI dialog box. When launched as a standalone control, a XUI dialog box is automatically generated to contain the control.