Customizer's Guide (Guide de personnalisation) > Working with ActiveX Controls > Executing ActiveX Controls Using the .dcf File to Bind to an Element Directly
Executing ActiveX Controls Using the .dcf File to Bind to an Element Directly
As an alternative to using an external XUI file to define the display of an ActiveX control, you can associate ActiveX controls with elements directly in the .dcf file, causing the controls to execute when triggered by specific DOM events. To use this alternate method to execute ActiveX controls from elements, you need to update your .dcf file to associate the element with the ActiveX control and related script. You also need to establish the proper element-to-control binding in the script.
Keep the following items in mind when using this method to associate ActiveX controls with elements:
Arbortext Editor tracks the element-control relationships by element name. Therefore, a document can contain only one instance of a given element and its associated ActiveX control. For example, a document may contain numerous instances of an element that is associated with an ActiveX control, but only one ActiveX control can be displayed at any given moment.
Each element must be associated with one script, creating a configuration trio of one element name to one script name to one control. A given control may be used multiple times, as long as each instance resides in its own configuration trio. A given script file can be used multiple times, as long as the script name (as specified in the ActiveXControl element), is unique in each trio.