Help > Authoring > Document Comparison > Comparing Documents
Comparing Documents
You can compare an open document with any other open document, with a closed file, or with the last saved version of the same document using the Compare utility. If one of the documents is free-form XML, the other must be as well.
1. Choose Tools > Compare. (Full menus must be turned on; go to Tools > Preferences, choose the Window category, and check Full Menus.) Additional menu options appear:
Last Saved — compares the current document in the Edit window with the last saved version of the same document.
Window — compares any two documents that are open in the same Arbortext Editor session. Choose Window to bring up a Compare Document dialog containing a list of all the documents open in the same session. Choose the open document you wish to compare to the document you are launching Compare from.
File — compares the current document in the Edit window with any other file. Choose File to bring up a Compare File dialog for selecting the file you wish to compare to the current file.
2. If there are no differences, a message window tells you no differences were found. Otherwise, the Compare window appears, showing the differences between the two documents.
While the Compare utility can detect the addition or deletion of an equation or a graphic or changes to their tag attributes, it won't detect changes within the equation or graphic image.
If you are viewing tables graphically in the results document, some table markup changes may not be apparent. To be certain you are viewing all your table tag attribute changes, you can use View > Tables > Table Markup to see the table in markup view.
3. When the Compare window appears, the differences in the two selections are highlighted by tags such as Insert and Delete. You can navigate the differences in the Compare document by using the Next Change and Previous Change items on the Find menu. You can also use the keyboard shortcut F11 for Next Change and F12 for Previous Change.
The results can be printed in Print Editor View (unformatted) or Print (which will not include attribute changes in the printed output regardless of the Show Attribute Changes preference setting).