About Arbortext Styler > Arbortext Styler Dialog Boxes > Customize Table of Contents Dialog Box
Customize Table of Contents Dialog Box
The Customize Table of Contents dialog box opens when you click the Customize button for a table of contents format object, in the properties area of the Table of Contents list The Table of Contents list icon - horizontal lines of varying widths on a grey background. The dialog box displays a list of title contexts configured for your stylesheet (every context of every element with the Title style) and allows you to pick which ones you want to include in any table of contents (TOC) generated when the table of contents format object is referenced in the generated text of an element in your stylesheet.
Note that the list of contexts in the dialog box mirrors that in the Elements list in your stylesheet. If you want to include a context that does not appear in the dialog box, you must create a new context in the Elements list. The order in which title contexts will be matched when the TOC is built is defined by the order of the contexts for an element as they appear in the Elements list. You can change the hierarchy of contexts for an element in the Elements list.
The Customize Table of Contents dialog box contains the following options for each title context:
Include - select this option to specify that occurrences of this title context should be extracted for display in the table of contents when they appear in your document.
When this dialog box is first opened for a table of contents format object, the exclude/include checkbox settings it displays are based on the levels setting for the object that have been made for it in Titles to include field in the properties area. Any explicit exclude/include settings you subsequently make in this dialog box will override those settings.
If this option is checked, the Add button is enabled for the context to allow you to add some custom content to its entry in the table of contents. If you deselect this option, both Custom Content buttons are disabled for the context.
Level - the hierarchy level at which the title context will appear in the final table of contents. Note that these indent levels may not be the same as element nesting levels or chunk levels. Use the arrows to increase or decrease the level, or type a level into the field.
Hierarchy levels are used directly in inline TOCs, but are only used as guidelines for PDF bookmarks and online TOCs in chunked HTML outputs (EPUB, HTML Help, and Web). The online TOC is the TOC that appears in the left frame of the window. In these outputs the hierarchy in the TOC simply reflects the hierarchy of the content. The levels assigned to TOC contexts continue to affect the formatting of TOCs that appear as part of document content in Arbortext Editor, print, PDF, and HTML outputs.
Custom Content - buttons that allow you to configure any custom numbering or generated text that should be applied to the title when it appears in the table of contents:
Add/Edit - the title of this button depends on the current custom content setting for the context: if no custom content currently exists the button will be named Add. If you have already included some custom content for the context, however, the button will be labeled Edit.
Clicking on the button will open the Custom Content dialog box, in which you can make or amend your settings.
Note that you must have selected the Include option next to the title context for the Add / Edit button to be available.
DeleteThis is an image of the Delete button - red cross on grey background - this button is only available if custom content already exists for the context. Clicking the button will delete the custom content for the context.
Condition each title must match - this read only field displays a condition specified for the title contexts that are to be included in the table of contents, for example a condition that tests for the presence of the toc=”yes” attribute. Each one of the title contexts that have the Include option checked must match this condition to be included in the table of contents. Click the Edit button to launch the Table of Contents Condition dialog box, in which you can create a new condition or edit the existing one. Click the Delete button to remove a condition once it has been defined.
If any of the contexts in the group box appear in the Arbortext Styler error color (red by default, unless set via the stylererrorcolor preference), or if the message below appears after the list of contexts, this means that some title contexts set to appear in the TOC do not specify a direct parent. These contexts will not produce bookmarks when publishing with FOSI if you have selected this option for the TOC object in the properties area of the Tables of Contents list. For example, the context title everywhere is not acceptable, whereas title in book is permitted.
The text of the error message is shown below:
Title contexts must specify an immediate parent for the title to appear
in PDF bookmarks when PDF is produced by the FOSI engine. Contexts that
do not meet this criteria are displayed in red, or in the configured
Styler error color, above
Note that this does not apply if you electing to include a UFE context in a table of contents. In this case, ensure that you specify an ancestor context, i.e. UFE anywhere in xxxx. UFEs are always wrapped by a SFE and so specifying a direct parent in the UFE’s context will therefore not correctly identify the UFE itself.