About Arbortext Styler > Working with Tables of Contents > Table of Contents Overview
Table of Contents Overview
Arbortext Styler supports three types of table of contents (TOC).
Inline TOC: Setting an element or elements to generate an inline table of conditions at any location in the output document.
PDF bookmarks: Using a table of contents format object to contribute entries as autogenerated bookmarks in PDF output - see Use for PDF bookmarks in Tables of Contents List for further information
Online TOC: Using a table of contents format object to contribute entries to an online TOC for chunked HTML outputs - see Use for chunked HTML outputs ( EPUB, HTML Help, and Web) in Tables of Contents List for further information.
The online TOC is the TOC that appears in the left hand frame of the browser window when viewing the chunked HTML content.
All three types of TOC are configured using the same base method. The difference in setting up the TOCs comes when you are defining where in final output the TOC should occur. A summary of the process is given below:
1. Create a table of contents format object in the Tables of Contents list The Table of Contents list icon - horizontal lines of varying widths on a grey background - this object defines an overall TOC configuration:
The scope of the TOC within the output document
The element contexts that should form its entries and the levels at which they should appear - any contexts of the title element can be included in a TOC. See Customize Table of Contents Dialog Box for further information.
Note that settings of this type will not affect the online TOC for chunked HTML outputs.
Any custom numbering or generated text that should be applied to each entry
The overall appearance of the TOC - placement of numbers, indentation of entries, and so on. See Table of Contents Format Details Dialog Box for further information.
You can maintain as many TOC format objects as you like in your stylesheet.
If you subsequently specify that this table of contents format object should be used to generate an online TOC in chunked HTML output (see step 2 below), any special TOC entry formatting properties set will not apply to TOCs when you publish your document for EPUB, HTML Help, or Web. In these outputs the main (left hand frame) TOC is generated by the chunker, which only makes reference to those settings that determine which titles should be included. The titles will appear in the TOC as they appear in the body of the document — special formatting is ignored.
Settings made in the Customize Table of Contents and TOC Format Details dialog boxes may not have an effect in your document, if it is published to a particular output format. The following table shows which TOC features affect which outputs.
PDF bookmarks
All HTML outputs (inline TOCs)3
EPUB, HTML Help, or Web (Web TOCs)4
Customize TOC dialog box setting:
Titles to include
Custom content
TOC condition
All TOC Format Details dialog box settings
The levels assigned to titles affect the formatting, not the position in the hierarchy.
Print output via the XSL-FO engine does not reflect custom content settings. Print output via FOSI and PTC ALD engines does take these into account.
Inline TOCs appear in the document content.
The Web TOC is the separate TOC that appears in the left frame of the browser window.
Microsoft Word formats TOCs in exported RTF. You can control the format by using named styles.
2. Specify whether the table of contents format object will contribute entries to PDF bookmarks or online TOCs. If so, check one of the following options for the object in the properties area of the Table of Contents list:
Use for PDF bookmarks - you can select this checkbox for more than one table of contents format object in the same stylesheet. The resulting bookmark list in the output PDF will contain all the titles that are configured to appear in all table of contents format objects in the stylesheet that have Use for PDF bookmarks checked. Duplicate TOC entries are removed.
Use for chunked HTML outputs (EPUB, HTML Help, and Web) - you can select this checkbox for more than one table of contents format object in the same stylesheet. The resulting online TOC will contain all the titles that are configured to appear in all table of contents format objects in the stylesheet that have Use for chunked HTML Outputs checked. Duplicate TOC entries are removed.
When generating TOCs for EPUB output with this option, only titles at levels 1–3 in the document hierarchy will be included.
3. For an inline table of contents, style an element in your document to output the table of contents - in the first instance, assign the Table of Contents style to the element. The next step is to set its generated text to reference the required table of contents format object and output the table of contents in the format set by that object.