Inserting Partial Files
Inserting part of a document into another is easiest if both files contain the same type of SGML markup, but you can insert file with non-matching SGML markup.
To insert part of a file:
You can use the write command to copy the portion of the file you want to include. To import part of a file:
1. Highlight the contents of your document section that you want to copy.
2. Place the contents in the paste buffer by choosing > .
3. At the command line, enter:
write -sgml -paste filename
filename can be any name. For example, temp.
4. Open the target document.
5. Place the cursor at the desired insertion point. If possible, select a point in the document where elements in the new content are in context.
6. Choose > and enter the name of the file you just created using the write command.
7. Add any necessary elements to the inserted text.
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