Help > Authoring > Dialog Boxes > Edit Window > Entities Dialog Boxes > File Entities Dialog Box
File Entities Dialog Box
Use this dialog box to create, modify, insert, and delete file entities.
The File Entities dialog box contains the following options:
Name — Displays the entity name.
This name appears inside the markup icon that represents the included file.
DTD — This column will be checked if the entity is declared in the document type definition.
File name — Identifies the path name for the file location on your system.
If the system ID and public ID text boxes are both empty, the file entity is created using the entity name with .sgm or .xml appended, and saved in the current document directory.
Public ID — Identifies the public name for your file entity, if any.
If a file entity has a public ID name, Arbortext Editor looks for that name in a Arbortext Editor system file called Catalog, which is specified in the catalog path option in the File Locations category on the Preferences dialog box. In this file, Arbortext Editor matches the file entity public name to its listed system path name to locate the entity file.
Subdocument — (SGML documents only) Indicates whether the file entity is a SUBDOC file entity, which is a self-contained document with its own DOCTYPE declaration, as opposed to a NORMAL file entity, which is parsed and validated as if it existed inline at the point at which it is referenced.
A SUBDOC cannot be edited inline. The SGML Declaration for your document type must permit SUBDOCs. If it does not, the Subdocument checkbox will not be displayed. Arbortext Editor's default SGML Declaration does not permit SUBDOCs and will not show them if View > File Entities is selected.
The subdocument file entity can have the same or a different document type from your document.
If you select Subdocument, SUBDOC will appear in the Subdoc column of the selection list when you create or declare the file entity. If you do not select Subdocument, NORMAL will appear.
Count — Indicates the number of times the entity occurs in the document.
This column appears when you select the Count Uses button.
Display control — Displays the content of the selected file entity.
New — Opens the New File Entity dialog box.
Duplicate — Opens the New File Entity dialog box based on the currently selected entity.
Modify — Opens the Modify File Entity dialog box.
Delete — Deletes the selected entity, removing the name from the selection list.
You must delete all entity markup tags for this file entity from the document before deleting it using this dialog box. If the named entity was declared in the document type definition, the Delete button is disabled.
Insert — Inserts the selected file entity at the cursor location.
Find — Searches the document for the selected file entity, starting at the cursor location.
Select Find again to continue searching the document. If the set entityscan option is set to on, the search will include any file entities referenced in the document.
Count Uses — Counts and displays in the Count column the number of references to file entities used in the document.
The count includes uses in any file entities referenced in the document.