There are three different cursor types in
Arbortext Editor. You can set the cursor preference by navigating to > . Choose the
Window preferences category and set the
Cursor Type.
To change the style of the cursor using a set command, you can also type one of the following commands at the Arbortext Editor command line to change the cursor:
To change the width of the cursor, you can choose
set caretthickness from the
Advanced preferences or type the command at the
Arbortext Editor command line. Provide a whole number from 1 to 10. Higher numbers make the cursor wider. The default setting is 2.
The “invalid” cursor is a cursor with arrowheads on its top and bottom
. When your cursor is in a place where you must insert an element before you can begin typing text, the arrowheads appear.
When you see the “invalid” cursor, you can find out the valid elements for the insertion point. Navigate > and choose
Edit preferences Be sure that
Show Quick Tags on Enter is checked. Then return to your document and press
Quick Tags menu appears listing valid elements for the cursor location. Choose an element. If the element is valid, it will be inserted. If they arrowhead cursor remains, try pressing
ENTER again and selecting another element.
The “inactive” cursor is a gray triangle
Arbortext Editor displays this cursor when the window or pane containing the cursor is not active. For example, when the Document Map pane is active, the cursor displayed in the Edit pane is the inactive cursor. This cursor is also displayed when the
Arbortext Editor window is not the active window on your screen.
When the macro recorder is recording steps, the cursor changes to the image of a cassette tape (