Help > Authoring > Dialog Boxes > Edit Window > Miscellaneous Dialog Boxes > Shading Palette
Shading Palette
Use the shading palette to apply a background color. The shading palette is available from any dialog boxes that allow for shading (background) color selection.
You'll see one of the following:
Inherit— Use the current color of the selected region's parent element. For example, highlighted text within a paragraph will take on the background color of the paragraph text.
Default— Use the color assigned by default.
Palette colors — Shows 20 common background color choices. Clicking on one of these colors applies it to the selected region. You can configure the RGB values for each color using the set backgroundcolorcolorname commands. The complete list of set backgroundcolorcolorname options are available in the Arbortext Command Language Reference.
More colors — Displays the Web-safe Colors dialog box for additional color choices.
You can adjust a font's background shading area in output using the APTBGHEIGHTPCT and APTBGDEPTHPCT environment variables.