Administration > Fonts > Using to Substitute Printer Fonts
Using to Substitute Printer Fonts
If a font family is explicitly named in a stylesheet but is not installed on your system, you can specify a substitute font by making an entry in the file.
To specify an alternate font for printing;
1. Make a copy of the default file located in Arbortext-path\lib.
2. Specify substitutions you wish to make for specific fonts that do not exist on your system.
For example, if you always want to substitute Bookman Old Style for the font family Exotica, enter the following line:
Exotica -> Bookman Old Style
Or, if you want all generic family style names of type Serif to be displayed in Verdana, enter:
Serif -> Verdana
3. Save and close the file.
If you are using a language locale, the chs, cht, jpn, and kor subdirectories of Arbortext-path\lib\locale contain locale-specific versions of this file. If you are using one of these locales, the corresponding file will be used.
To make your custom file automatically accessible, put it in the Arbortext-path\custom\lib directory to load it automatically upon startup (to avoid setting an environment variable). If you are editing a locale-specific file, you can put it in the appropriate locale-name subdirectory of Arbortext-path\custom\lib\locale.
The location of the may also be specified by the APTTFMFONTSUBFILE environment variable.
When you make changes to that affect screen display, you should consider making parallel changes to reflect these font substitutions in your printed output in