The File
You can use the file to assign substitute font mappings for Arbortext Editor display fonts that are called for in a document but not installed on your system. If you do not provide a substitution for fonts that are not installed, Arbortext Editor will use Times New Roman to display your documents.
Stylesheets define fonts for display in two ways:
• they refer to the font's family name directly, for example Arial or Century Schoolbook
• they refer generically to a desired font style (Serif, Sanserif, Monoser, or Monosans) so that the actual font family name isn't hardwired into the stylesheet, then they rely on Arbortext Editor to provide specific fonts
Arbortext Editor comes pre-configured to map generic font styles to font family names as follows:
Serif -> Times New Roman
Sanserif -> Arial
Monoser -> Courier New
Monosans -> Lucida Console
For example if you wanted to map the font family Century Schoolbook to the font style Serif, you would add the line
Serif -> Century Schoolbook