Administration > Customizing Spelling Checking > Creating and Accessing a User-Defined Dictionary > Creating a user-defined dictionary
Creating a user-defined dictionary
Use the userdict command to create a user-defined dictionary. You can execute the userdict command from the Arbortext Editor command line or a DOS shell.
The structure of the command is:
userdict [-v] [-ef logfile] {-add | -delete | -list} -dict dictionaryname
[-lang language]
[-path path] {-f wordlist | word1 word2 …}
-v is verbose, reporting additions or deletions as they are completed.
–ef specifies the logfile in which to contain the output from the command. If the -v option is set, verbose output is redirected to logfile.
If you execute the userdict command from the Arbortext Editor command line, do not use [–ef logfile], as they are set automatically.
-add adds words.
-delete removes words.
-list lists all the words in the dictionary.
-dict specifies the name for your file where dictionaryname contains up to eight characters. Do not use a file extension when specifying the dictionary name.
If the dictionaryname exceeds eight characters, the file name is truncated without a warning message. This can cause problems if the truncated file name is the same as another file name.
-lang specifies that the dictionary should be for a particular language. Each language requires a specific value for lang setting. The following languages have dictionaries:
brz (Brazilian Portuguese)
brt (British)
cfr (Canadian-French)
ctl (Catalan)
dan (Danish)
dut (Dutch)
eng (American English)
fin (Finnish)
frn (French)
grm (German)
itl (Italian)
nrw (Norwegian)
nyn (Nynorsk)
prt (Portuguese)
spn (Spanish)
swd (Swedish)
sgr (Swiss-German)
-path specifies a file system path to the user-defined dictionary. If you do not want the dictionary to be stored in the default location Arbortext-path\lib\proximity\userdict, use this option to specify the desired location.
-f specifies wordlist, which is the path and file name of an ASCII file containing a list of words or misspelling pairs. When specifying the path for the wordlist, use slash ( / ), not backslash ( \ ) in the command. For example, you would type the following on the Arbortext Editor command line:
userdict -dict list -add -f wordlist.doc
word1 word2... are words or misspelling pairs with a space between each word. Place the misspelled word and the correctly spelled word in a misspelling pair in single quotes (), separated by a semi colon (;). For example, tthe;the. There are no restrictions on the number of entries allowed in the dictionary.
You can then specify the location of user-defined dictionaries.