About Arbortext Styler > Arbortext Styler Window and Editors > Generated Text Editor > Generated Text Editor Menus
Generated Text Editor Menus
This section describes the menus in the Generated Text Editor window.
If your schema or DTD contains a table model, then the Generated Text Editor window for a header or footer in a page set opens with a table template containing a single row and three columns.
Numbers and bullets for titles and list items in the Generated text category are automatically entered into the Before-text generated text field. When you edit this field, you cannot insert content before the bullet or number.
File Menu in Generated Text Editor
Menu option
Apply and Close
Apply the settings in the Generated Text Editor window to the stylesheet and close the window. Apply does not save the stylesheet. Use preview to see the generated text results.
Apply the settings in the Generated Text Editor window to the stylesheet. Apply does not save the stylesheet. Use preview to see the generated text results.
Close the Generated Text Editor window. Any changes that have not been saved will be lost.
Edit Menu in Generated Text Editor
Menu option
Reverses the last change.
Redo or Repeat
Reverses undo or repeats the last change.
Deletes the selected region and stores it in a paste buffer (clipboard).
Makes a copy of the selection and stores it in a paste buffer.
Inserts the contents of the paste buffer at the cursor location.
Removes the selection.
Delete Markup
Removes the selected markup.
Change Markup
Opens the Change Markup dialog box.
Modify Attributes
Opens the Modify Attributes dialog box.
Delete all attributes
Removes all attributes associated with the selected markup.
Modify processing instruction
Opens the dialog box that was used to insert the original processing instruction.
Menu options in the Insert menu are enabled in the Generated Text Editor when applicable, depending on the document object for which generated text is being set. The full list is given here but all options may not be available every time the Generated Text Editor is invoked.
Insert Menu in Generated Text Editor
Menu Option
Opens the Insert Markup dialog box. This option is not supported for Word fields.
Opens the Insert Table dialog box. This option is not supported for Word fields.
Allows you to browse for a graphic to insert into your document. This option is not supported for Word fields.
Allows you to select a symbol to insert into your document.
Page Number
For headers and footers, adds the current page number when you publish to print or PDF. This option is not available for Word fields.
Final Page Number
For generated content objects, opens the Final Page Number dialog box, in which you can select the scope of the final page number to be inserted in the generated text, for example in the format Page x of y pages. This option is not available for Word fields.
Note that page numbering is only generated in print/PDF output.
Element Number
For numbered elements, inserts the number as configured in the numbering details dialog box (where applicable).
Element Label And Number
For numbered elements, inserts the number and label as configured in the numbering details dialog box.
Division Reference
Opens the Insert Division Reference dialog box, to allow you to add a reference to a division, for example, “Chapter 1 - Introduction.”
This option is not available for Word fields.
Element Content
Opens the Insert Element Content dialog box.
Attribute Content
Opens either the Insert Attribute Content dialog box or the Insert Attribute Content (Headers and Footers) dialog box, depending on the location from which the Generated Text Editor is invoked.
XPath String
Opens the Insert XPath String dialog box.
Leaders, Rule, or Space
Opens the Insert Leaders, Rule, or Space dialog box. This option is not available for Word fields.
Cross Reference
Opens the Insert Cross Reference dialog box. This option is not available for Word fields.
Table of Contents
Opens the Insert Table of Contents dialog box. This option is not available for Word fields.
Opens the Insert Index dialog box. This option is not available for Word fields.
Begin Change Bar
Enables you to indicate the beginning of a change bar. This option is not available for Word fields.
End Change Bar
Enables you to indicate the end of a change bar. This option is not available for Word fields.
User Formatting Element
Enables you to insert an existing User Formatting Element, or create a new one.
Allows you to insert advanced information that supports content creation, linking, chunking, and publishing into your generated text:
Metadata: include a metadata item with the document in HTML or PDF output.
Internal Link: insert the _sfe:InternalLink element, which will support the dynamic generation of an internal link between documents. The content of the link is based on further information you supply in the generated text.
External Link: insert the _sfe:ExternalLink element, which will support the dynamic generation of an external link between documents. The content of the link is based on further information you supply in the generated text.
Attribute Modifier: allows you to insert the name of the attribute from the source document whose value should be used as the value of a particular attribute for the element you are creating in the gentext. Using this method you can dynamically generate objects such as graphics whose properties are extracted from the attributes of another object.
Table Menu in Generated Text Editor (not Available for Word Fields)
Main menu
Submenu option
Use Table > Insert to insert table rows, columns, and grids.
Row Above
Inserts a new row above the cell containing the cursor. The attributes for the new row are copied from the row containing the cursor. If you have more than one row selected, that number of rows will be inserted. The attributes for the new rows are copied from the top row of the current selection.
Row Below
Inserts a new row below the cell containing the cursor. The attributes for the new row are copied from the row containing the cursor. If you have more than one row selected, that number of rows will be inserted. The attributes for the new rows are copied from the bottom row of the current selection.
Column Left
Inserts a new column to the left of the cell containing the cursor. The attributes for the new column are copied from the column containing the cursor. If you have more than one column selected, that number of columns will be inserted. The attributes for the new columns are copied from the left-most column of the current selection.
Column Right
Inserts a new column to the right of the cell containing the cursor. The attributes for the new column are copied from the column containing the cursor. If you have more than one column selected, that number of columns will be inserted. The attributes for the new columns are copied from the right-most column of the current selection.
Rows and Columns
Displays the Insert Rows and Columns dialog box.
Grid Above
For OASIS Exchange tables, inserts a new grid of cells above the grid containing the cursor. The new grid will have the same attributes (for example, width, number of columns, column dimensions, etc.) as the grid containing the cursor, and will contain two rows.
To display this command, Full Menus must be turned on. Go to Tools > Preferences in Arbortext Editor, and choose the Window category. Activate the Full Menus option.
Grid Below
For OASIS Exchange tables, inserts a new grid of cells below the grid containing the cursor. The new grid will have the same attributes (for example, width, number of columns, column dimensions, etc.) as the grid containing the cursor, and will contain two rows.
To display this command, Full Menus must be turned on. Go to Tools > Preferences in Arbortext Editor, and choose the Window category. Activate the Full Menus option.
Use Table > Delete to delete table rows, columns, and grids.
Removes the entire row of cells containing the cursor.
Removes the entire column of cells containing the cursor.
Invokes the Delete Cells dialog box, allowing you to select the treatment of cells to be removed from the table.
For OASIS Exchange tables, removes the entire grid of cells containing the cursor.
To display this command, Full Menus must be turned on. Go to Tools > Preferences, and choose the Window category. Turn on Full Menus.
Deletes the entire table in which the cursor is currently placed.
Use Table > Select to select rows, columns, and grids. This submenu provides the following commands:
Selects and highlights the cell containing the cursor.
Selects and highlights all of the cells in the row containing the cursor.
Selects and highlights all of the cells in the column containing the cursor.
For OASIS Exchange tables, selects and highlights all of the cells in the grid containing the cursor.
To display this command, Full Menus must be turned on. Go to Tools > Preferences, and choose the Window category. Turn on Full Menus.
Selects and highlights all of the cells in all the grids in the table.
Deselect All
Cancels all the highlighted selections in cells.
Span Cells
Combines two or more cells. The contents of the cells is preserved and distributed across the newly spanned cell. You may span cells horizontally, vertically, or a combination of both.
Unspan Cells
Splits cells which have been spanned. Any content is placed in the upper left-most cell.
Convert to Header Row
Converts the currently selected row(s) to header row(s). For tables that span page boundaries, header rows print at the top of each page. Arbortext Editor automatically converts the text in the new header row(s) to bold.
Convert to Footer Row
Converts the currently selected row(s) to footer row(s). For tables that span page boundaries, footer rows print at the bottom of each page.
According to the OASIS Exchange table specification, footer rows must occur just after the header rows (if any) at the top of the table. If the selected row(s) are not in this position, they will be moved there and placed under any existing footer rows.
Convert to Body Row
Converts the currently selected header or footer row(s) to body row(s). The selected row(s) are automatically moved to the top of the body rows, just below any remaining header and footer rows.
Split Grid
For OASIS Exchange tables, splits the current grid into two separate grids. The row containing the cursor becomes the first row in the second grid.
To display this command, Full Menus must be turned on. Go to Tools > Preferences, and choose the Window category. Turn on Full Menus.
Distribute Columns Evenly
Resizes the columns of the selected table so they are all the same width.
Table Properties
Opens the Table Properties dialog box.
Tools Menu in Generated Text Editor
Menu option
Invokes a spell check for the text content of the table.
Looks up a selected word in the built in thesaurus.
Word Count
Provides the total number of words in the table.
Show spaces
Displays dots to indicated spaces.
Show Command Line
Shows or hides the Command line.
Translation Menu in Generated Text Editor
Menu option
Mark the current piece of generated text for translation.
Do Not Translate
Deactivate translation for the current piece of generated text, if it is currently set as needing translation.
Based on Text Content
Allow Arbortext Styler to assess whether the unit should be translated, based on its text content.
The menu label is suffixed with Arbortext Styler’s current assessment, given the current content of the unit. For example, the label will read Based on Text Content (Do not Translate) if the translation unit is empty.
All translation units have the value Based on Text Content initially — this is the default value.
Add Note
Launch the Translation Note dialog box, in which you can enter a note to be included with a translation unit in the XLIFF file for the translator.
This menu option is disabled if translation is not activated for the translation unit.
This menu option will be named Edit Note if a translation note already exists for this translation unit
Delete Note
Delete the existing translation note.
Format Menu in Generated Text Editor (not Available for Word Fields)
Menu option
Opens the Modify Font dialog box.
Hard (unbreakable) space
Inserts an unbreakable space.
Interword (breakable) space
Inserts a breakable space.
End-of-sentence space
Inserts a space at the end of sentence.
The space inserted by this field will differ, depending on the way in which the document is published:
Arbortext Styler and FOSI: 0.42em
PTC ALD: 0.25em, i.e. PTC ALD’s normal word space width
New line
Inserts a hard return (new line).
Inserting a new line is useful for generating a line break within a block of text. However, you should not use this option to insert multiple new lines to create space between separate blocks of text. Instead, wrap the blocks of text in a User Formatting Element and set the User Formatting Element's space before or space after properties with the Spacing category.
Specified horizontal space - Invokes the Specified horizontal space dialog box to allow you to insert a space with a width of your choice.
No line break region - Inserts a tag pair that defines a region protected from line breaks.
Discretionary hyphen - Inserts a discretionary hyphen, which identifies a position at which a word can break if hyphenation is needed.
These options are not supported for Word fields.
Options on the Format menu are implemented using proprietary processing instructions that are not supported by other publishing systems. If you want to use your stylesheet with publishing systems other than Arbortext Editor , you should add User Formatting Elements instead of using the options on this menu. See Adding User Formatting Elements to Generated Text for more information.