Help > Authoring > Equations > Editing Equations > Copying an Equation between Documents
Copying an Equation between Documents
You can copy an equation between documents of the same document type.
1. Open the document containing the equation.
2. Open the second document to which you want to move or copy the equation.
3. In the Arbortext Editor Edit window of the first document, select (highlight) the display equation, including its tags.
4. Choose Edit > Cut or Edit > Copy (or Cut or Copy from the shortcut menu).
5. In the second document, put the cursor where you want to place the equation.
You cannot insert your equation between other equation or graphics markup icons.
6. Choose Edit > Paste (or Paste from the shortcut menu).
If you are unable to paste the equation, your cursor may be in a place that does not permit equations.
If the second document is opened on top of the first, move the second document window to an area of the screen where you can see both documents. To do this, place the cursor on the window's title bar, then click and drag the document window to another location.