Help > Authoring > Fundamental Tasks > Understanding the Edit Window > The Lightweight User Interface > Enabling the Lightweight User Interface
Enabling the Lightweight User Interface
The lightweight user interface is controlled by the set liteui command. A system administrator can configure Arbortext Editor to always use the lightweight user interface by default. Individual authors can also turn the lightweight user interface on for their own environment.
To enable the lightweight user interface for all users at a site, add the following command to the Arbortext Editor command file Arbortext-path/lib/init.acl, or to a file specified by the User startup file:
set liteui=on
If your site is configured to use the lightweight user interface by default, you may override this in your own environment by adding the following line to your preferences file:
set liteui=off
If your site is not configured to use the lightweight user interface, you may set it as your personal default by adding the following line to your preferences file:
set liteui=on