Help > Authoring > Equations > Editing Equations > Laying Out Pages Containing Equations
Laying Out Pages Containing Equations
Document types that support equations must contain an element for display equations called fd and an element for in-line equations called f. For example, the report.dtd document type that is part of the Arbortext Editor installation contains these elements:
<!ELEMENT eqdisplay - - (caption?, fd) >
<!ELEMENT eqinline - - (f) >
Arbortext Editor accesses the ati-eqn1.ent file in the entities subdirectory of Arbortext-path.
In your stylesheet, set intra-paragraph spacing and indentation as you would for any other block element and set character formatting for inline equations as you would for any other inline element. For example, you may wish to have an extra line before and after display equations, or you may need to change the font size for inline equations.
When Arbortext Editor formats a page that contains a display equation, it customizes how much space should appear between the preceding paragraph and the display equation by determining whether the last text line in the paragraph immediately preceding the equation interferes visually with the equation. If the line is short enough that it doesn't enter the visual space associated with the display equation, Arbortext Editor uses minimum spacing between the paragraph and the display equation. If the line preceding the equation extends far enough to visually interfere with the equation, then additional space appears between the two elements. Therefore, the distance between a paragraph and a display equation can vary within a document even when all formatting has the same definition.