Release Notes > > Updates in This Release > MathJax Enhancements > Enhancements in
Enhancements in
For we have made some updates and fixes to the MathJax library support.
The library used has been updated to version 2.7.9. Version 3 was not ready at time of release.
Fixes have been made to the library to allow attribute values to be used and to fix the scaling of characters not within the MathJax fonts. The size of these characters does not appear to be the same as that generated using the MathJax fonts, but it is consistent with what is seen in a browser.
Support has been added to allow configuration options to be passed to the MathJax library when in use:
scale — a percentage scale value can be provided to scale the generated graphic
strokeWidth — the thickness of the outline drawn around each character. This also means the attribute ‘blacker’ is now supported too
stroke — the outline colour when stroke width is non-zero
fill — the colour to use for the characters
font — specify the MathJax font to use for the characters. Allowed values are: TeX, STIX-Web, Asana-Math, Neo-Euler, Gyre-Pagella, Gyre-Termes and Latin-Modern. The default value is TeX
fontFamily — the name of the font family to use to output characters not provided by the MathJax fonts. By default, Arial Unicode MS is used
fontSize — the size to use for the non-MathJax font characters. Be aware that any other scaling will make this text look to be a different size
So, to use these configuration options, add them to the object passed to the MathJax library’s createGraphic() method:
var mathObj = {};
//Set the input type
mathObj.type = "mathml";
//Provide a name for the output graphic
mathObj.output = "MyMathGraphicName";
//Specify the MathML here
mathObj.content = " ... ";

//Set the options
mathObj.scale = "120";
mathObj.font = "STIX-Web";
mathObj.fontSize = "12pt";

//Create the graphic