Macro Language Reference > PIs > Text > <?tfqt>
One of three PIs used to set a font from a font quicktable: <?tfqt> refers to the font quicktable in which to look, <?tfqn> refers to the font family number and <?tfqs> refers to the font style within that family.
Example 521. Example of a quickfont control stream
qf 1,0,"Arial"
qf 1,1,"Arial-i"
qf 1,2,"Arial-b"
qf 1,3,"Arial-bi"
The 'qf' at the start of each line defines each line as a quicktable font entry.
The first number in each line defines the font family, which in this case is Arial.
The second number in each line defines the font style.
The last entry in the line is the font name to associate with the given family and style.
<?tfqt table_name:s>
[no parameter]
Invoke the Font - quick table dialog box.
A user can create, or browse for, a font quicktable via this dialog box.
The name of an existing quicktable (in double quotes).
Additional Information
There is also a default quicktable built in to PTC ALD , which provides bold and italic styles for Times (font 1), and Arial (font 2). This negates the need to use the <?tfqt> command, leaving you to simply specify the <?tfqn> and <?tfqs> commands.
Due to the nature of the implementation of control streams, modification of a quicktable in the middle of a text stream will not update the text from the cursor, but will affect all the text enclosed by the current <?tfqt> tag. In other words you can only use one font quicktable per paragraph.
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