Macro Language Reference > PIs > Text > <?propput>
Text properties display details of how current text is formatted: paragraph properties such as margins, rules and text properties such as font, height etc. In general, at any one point in the text, PTC ALD has a record of the global default values of any properties, the default values for the current paragraph and the current actual properties. It takes a snapshot of the text at each point and stores the properties in a stack. It is also possible to take your own snapshots of the current set of properties via <?propget> and <?propput>. You can return to, and reuse, those properties at a later date.
<?propput num:n?>
Sets the defaults for the start of a paragraph back to the original system default text properties.
Default value: takes a snapshot of the text properties and stores the snapshot as the default set to use when electing to start a new paragraph using default values. Enter a _deflt_ tag once at the start of a format and have <?propput 1> as the last command in the tag. An alternative method, though much less efficient, is to include a _deflt_ tag at the start of each paragraph.
Current paragraph defaults - set the snapshot to the current text properties. If the snapshot does not already exist it is created.
Spare slots - store the current text properties into a particular slot and restore them when needed. These slots are independent from the stack and so do not interfere with them or any use of the <?up> and <?down> commands etc.
Additional Information
<?propput> and <?propget> work in a similar way to the <?up> and <?down> commands, but instead of adding and removing property snapshots from a stack, they permit you to store and restore the snapshots to specific slots.
The <?propput> command replaces the <?paradef> command, which remains for backward compatibility.
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