Macro Language Reference > PIs > Tables > <?tbfootr>
This command is used to mark the start and end of table footers and their behaviour during table overflows.
<?tbfootr code:n>
The footer terminates at the end of the current row. Note that footers in the table must make up a complete row.
Marks the start of the footer: must appear at the start of a row.
A <?tbfootr=0> command must also be included after the footer text to denote where the end of the footer text appears
Marks the start of the footer row but the footer row(s) will only be included when the table is restarting, e.g. after an overflow has occurred, and will be skipped in every other case.
The footer will only be skipped if PTC ALD encounters an end footer command.
If you wish to define text in the footer that is only included at restarts, use a show string test with a getvar to test the value of the table mode &8192. For example, to show "contd.":
<?show =^(v01625:8192)?^(8192)
Additional Information
The footer command is not an instruction for a new row but an attribute for the row; you may need to include a <?tbrstrt> command with it if this has not already been specified.
Unlike the header the footer row can be included anywhere in a table. When PTC ALD prescans the table its position will be detected. Therefore, if you have specified the total number of columns and their widths you will need to force PTC ALD to do a prescan using the command <?tbprescan=1>.
<?tbfootr=2> will ensure that, as well as the footer, any changes to show string counters made during the footer are also skipped.
A <?tbnsshow=1> setting will ensure that the footer is skipped but that counter changes run through into the main body of the table.
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