Macro Language Reference > PIs > Formatting Instructions > #
Used at the end of paragraph style definitions to define a callout character which will trigger its own replacement by whatever follows the code, for instance text attribute codes. One or more <#> codes may be used.
Example 367. Example of a simple hash callout
The callout below will replace the first occurrence of a # with a font change to Times italic and then the first occurrence of a tie space (#146)) with the code for an underline:
The order in which # codes appear is very important: in the example above, the second callout will only be used if the first callout has been triggered.
<# char:b? code:n?>
If char is not specified, the callout is triggered by a # code being found in the text. If you do not want to replace # characters, another char may be specified either by its position within the character set, e.g. <#,65>, or quoted within close quote characters: <#,'A'>.
Allows you to activate or deactivate the hash callout.
Activate the callout.
Deactivate the callouts and increment the counter.
Decrement the counter and reactivate the callouts when the counter is at 0.
Deactivate the callout.
Additional Information
Multiple callouts
You can also specify multiple call-outs by using multiple callout characters instead of a single character to trigger changes.
The maximum number of characters that you can specify is 15; any additional characters would be ignored.
Below are three examples of multiple call-outs:
1. Multiple callouts using numbers as callout character - this syntax would look for any number between 0 and 9 and treat this number as the character to trigger the resumption of a reference or style tag:
2. Multiple callouts using symbols, letters and numbers as callout characters - this syntax would look for either a dash, an a, b or c or a tab, and treat any one of these as the character to trigger the resumption of a reference or style tag. Note that you can search for characters using either the character itself or its position in the ISO character set
3. Multiple callouts using special characters as callout characters - this syntax would look for a carriage return (fill line), a quad centre, a quad right, a column break or a soft return character and treat any one of these as the character to trigger the resumption of a reference or style tag:
Callout getvars
The character that you use as the callout character will not be shown in the text stream. If you want the callout character to appear in the text stream you can use callout getvars.
A callout getvar will determine which of the multiple callout characters was used to format your text stream. There are two callout getvars that you can use for this purpose: 11690 and 11691.
The code 11690 provides a string representation of the called out character, which can be included in a show string to reinsert the character, or included as part of a label in a goto command:
The code below would look for any number between 0 and 9 and, when it finds a matching character, will replace it in the text stream prior to resuming a style or reference tag:
<#,"0123456789"><?show $11690>
In the following instance the characters : and ; are specified as callout characters. If either character is encountered in the stream APP will go to one of two specified labels that include specific instructions depending on the character matched.
<!--use colon specific instructions--><?->
<!--use semi-colon specific instructions--><?->
The code 11691 provides the PTC ALD-ASCII code of the character. This callout getvar code is useful for characters that are difficult or impossible to represent in a label, for example tabs, paragraph ends and angle brackets, or to enable you to distinguish between upper and lower case:
In the following instance the characters 10 (return) and Aa (uppercase A or lowercase a) are specified as callout characters. If any of the characters are encountered in the text stream they would be removed before resuming the reference or style tag. However, by including the code 11691, PTC ALD will reinsert one of three specified labels that contain specific instructions depending on the character matched.
<?:code_10><!--return specific instructions--><?->
<?:code_65><!--uppercase A specific instructions--><?->
<?:code_97><!--lowercase a specific instructions--><?->
In the example below, the hash callout is deactivated in order to display the character, then reactivated immediately afterwards:
A call out will not be triggered by a word: for example, the word 'Dave' could not be a trigger. For information on how to use a word as a trigger see <?tcmap>.