Macro Language Reference > PIs > Block > <?blockacrossmode>
This command specifies an avoid mode for frame gutters when placing block columns in relation to frame columns. This command is only relevant when used in conjunction with <?blockacross>. An example of the use of this command is a frame spanning two tied pages to achieve a block over a two page spread.
<?blockacrossmode mode:>
Break across frame columns as usual
Attempt to fit the block columns within the frame columns whilst avoiding the frame gutters. If this is infeasible PTC ALD will ignore this command and break across the frame columns in the normal manner, irrespective of the frame gutters.
This option will be ineffective if the block has been rotated via <?blockorient>.
Additional Information
In working out where columns should be placed, PTC ALD judges based on the following criteria:
An even spread of the block columns within the frame columns.
As little squashing of measured widths as possible.
An even balance of the size of relative widths within each of the frame columns.
Obeying <?blockcolfcnew=1> wherever possible.
Trying to avoid cells that span over the frame gutters, giving higher priority to cells that span smaller numbers of table columns.
Within each of the frame columns the relevant block columns will be squashed or stretched to fit in the usual manner.
Using block rules in this setting will draw into the frame gutters because the block itself spans the gutter. But a similar effect can be achieved using cell rules of a form like <?blockcellrules=1(1,0.5mm,"black","[tblr]")> and then specifying <?blockrulefc=1>.
Cells spanning the whole width of the table will also span over the frame gutters, and it’s up to you to make sure the text inside them avoids the gutters, if that’s what you want.
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