Macro Language Reference > Macros > Page > tpdpage
tpdpage is used to control the creation and use of PageDefs.
tpdpage ( ( ( *:L ) | ( :L ) )? name:t (',' start_page:n ',' end_page:n )? )?
Indicates that the PageDef control stream tag name which follows should be read and used as a template. The layers that are on that PageDef will be copied to a new [unnamed] PageDef and assigned to the current page. Use this to activate the layers from a PageDef on the current page without maintaining a connection with the PageDef control stream.
For example:
tpdpage *"name"
Indicates that a new named PageDef (a PageDef control stream) is to be created from the layers that are active on the currently selected page (they can be from an existing named PageDef or from an [unnamed] PageDef). The new PageDef is then applied to the current page.
If the target named PageDef already exists it will be overwritten with the new PageDef data (without warning). If the tag name already exists and is a different type, the macro is ignored.
If the name is an empty string (i.e. "") and the currently page has a named PageDef assigned, the layers from the named PageDef will be copied to a new [unnamed] PageDef and assigned to the current page. The named PageDef itself will be unchanged.
For example:
tpdpage >"name"
The PageDef control stream tag name.
Must be declared in double quotes.
If there is a preceding > character, this will be the tag name to which to create and write (see above). If not, it will be tag name to use to apply an existing PageDef to the selected page.
For example:
tpdpage "name"
If there is no preceding > and the name is empty (i.e. ""), this is treated as a very special case. A new, empty [unnamed] PageDef is applied to the selected page, effectively removing all layers (and their frames), leaving only the default <?page> layer (and its frames).
For example:
tpdpage ""
The first page on which the above actions should apply.
The last page on which the above actions should apply.