Macro Language Reference > PIs > Block > <?blockbgcolor>
Assigns a background color to an entire block, which is drawn behind the cells and any text content. The block background does not include top or bottom captions, or margins, but does include any gutters.
The block background color will only be visible if individual cells have no color assigned. .
<?blockbgcolor color:c>
The required background color of the block, either in name format e.g. "red" or (r,g,b) format: must be defined in double quotes.
Additional Information
It is possible to override the background color for an individual cell using the <?blockcellbgcolor> command.
The background color will fill to the dimensions of the outermost rule defined for the block (or the bounding rectangle if no rules have been defined). Any specified fills within the individual rules will be drawn over the block background.
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