Macro Language Reference > PIs > Block > <?blockcellbgcolor>
The <?blockcellbgcolor> command allows the setting of a background color for a cell, and can be used in two ways.
With the first form, a background property is set as one of a list of background properties, as follows:
Specify the total number of cell backgrounds using the num parameter (this will increase by one every time you add a new background property)
Define the number of the background color in the list of background colors via the bnum parameter
Set the details of the background color using the color and flags parameters.
For example : <?blockcellbgcolor 2(1, “red”, “tb”), (2,”blue”, “lr”)>
This allows you to override a particular background color provided the new color is set as one of the total number of backgrounds.
<?blockcellbgcolor> can also be used to override the background for the current cell without the need to specify any condition flags and will automatically override earlier <?blockcellbgcolor> commands. In this case, use the syntax <?blockcellbgcolor="color">.
<?blockcellbgcolor num:n? bnum:n? color:c flags:s?>
The total number of cell backgrounds
The number of the background in the list of background properties
The required background color of the cell, either in name format e.g. "red" or (r,g,b) format: must be defined in double quotes.
The positioning of the background color
Top row
Bottom row
Leftmost column
Rightmost column
Column number for cell coordinates, e.g. x=3
Row number for cell coordinates, e.g. y=2
Must be defined in double quotes.