Adding a New Language to the Document Content Action Menu
The language menu in the document content footer only displays entries for the locales that are actually available for that particular document. This menu uses the locales of the documents available translations to match to a predefined list of strings found in the <WT_HOME>/src/com/ptc/sc/preference/language/ file. This file contains a predefined list of many common languages.
1. Create the following directory: <Ins_Home>\InS_SW\SW\Applications\Windchill.ear\wtCustom\com\ptc\sc\preference\language\
2. Copy the <WT_HOME>\src\com\ptc\sc\preference\language\ file to the new directory.
3. Edit this file and add an entry for the new language that is displayed in the UI.
For example,
public static final String en_US = "en-US";
4. Run the following command in the Windchill shell:javac -d <INS_HOME>\InS_SW\SW\Applications\Windchill.ear\codebase.war\WEB-INF\classes <INS_HOME\InS_SW\SW\Applications\Windchill.ear\wtCustom\com\ptc\sc\preference\language\*
5. This command creates class files in this following folder: <INS_HOME>\InS_SW\SW\Applications\Windchill.ear\codebase.war\WEB-INF\classes
6. Restart the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery server for the new languages to be available.