If you have installed the MRI demonstration data, you can use the demo data to simulate real-time data and alerts for the
connected MRI machines. You can also use the data to build and manage workflows.
Before completing the use cases, the MRI demo data extension must be installed and you should have completed the post-import
steps. For more information, see the ThingWorx Utilities Installation Guide.
You can run this data simulator to generate data and alerts for a demo environment of connected MRI machines.
The simulator creates random values only for vibration and temperature properties. You can find temperature and vibration for specific assets on the Historical Property Values page in the Asset Manager.
Extract the contents of the demo data ZIP file.
Edit the MRI_machine.properties file and change the host name in the Host_Uri property so that it points to your host name.
Save and close the file.
Start the simulator by double-clicking the startMRIClient.bat file.